Case Study – Doncaster Glass & Glazing

How have Doncaster Glass & Glazing benefitted from developing a robust Health & Safety regime with Prosafe’s help?

Doncaster Glass & Glazing Ltd are a team of experienced professionals who provide a range of services including double glazing repair and replacement, to customers across South Yorkshire. We interviewed Prosafe (UK) Ltd’s Managing Director Cliff Dick about the long standing relationship between the two businesses.

Cliff, tell me about how Prosafe and Doncaster Glass & Glazing came to first work together?

Our relationship started about 20 years ago. I was asked to go and discuss Health & Safety issues with the Managing Director and as a result of our conversation, the team agreed to implement an appropriate and cost effective Health & Safety Management Programme.

What were the initial issues they were facing Health and Safety wise?

The company was working safely, that was never an issue but they had minimal documentation e.g. no Safety Policy, Risk Assessments or monitoring schemes.

What short term measures were put in?

In addition to an appropriate Safety Policy and Risk Assessments, further procedures and records were introduced with the aims of minimising accidents and potential claims and further measures introduced to show legal compliance.

Were any longer term support strategies needed?

Long term, Prosafe have supported Doncaster Glass & Glazing through regular visits to update documentation, to carry out training, to update current impending legal requirements and to audit the ongoing Health & Safety programme.

How have they benefitted from their relationship with Prosafe?

Doncaster Glass & Glazing can now provide evidence to show Enforcing Authorities and insurance companies that they are managing Health & Safety risks within the business whilst at the same time minimising unnecessary costs such as injury accidents and high insurance premiums.

To contact Prosafe (UK) Ltd regarding your workplace Health & Safety call 01724 712342 or email